My wife, April, and I had a chance to get out on the bike this past weekend hoping to find some fall colors. I knew we had already missed the peak of the colors by about a weekend but we thought we would give it a shot anyway and see what we could find. We decided to ride up to Fall Creek Falls. Even though the trees had already turned to more of the orange/rust colors, it was still a beautiful ride. When we arrived, I was a bit surprised to see that there was not as much water running off the falls but we decided to hike the trail anyway. The picture below is of, what I call, the "main falls". It actually drops a LONG way to the bottom but I decided to zoom into it and get a close up of the water just as it was beginning the long journey to the bottom. Anyway, it was a great chance for April and I to get out, enjoy a little bit of fall weather, take a little road trip, get the camera out of the bag, and enjoy some time together.
Fall Creek Falls State Park, November 3, 2013